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Alte Raths-Apotheke

Historisches Schmuckstück in der Bäckerstraße

The impressive corner building of the Lüneburger Ratsapotheke was built in 1598 during the Renaissance but ornamented with Gothic elements. The massive, nine-stepped gable is decorated with “Tausteinen” – bricks that look like twisted pieces of rope. The colourful portal made of sand stone is especially eye-catching. If you want to take a look inside – the pharmacist won’t mind. The interior dates from the 18th century. Here you can purchase the famous brine-cream, made according to the pharmacist’s special recipe.


If you step back a little, you can read a Latin phrase in gold letters. It roughly translates to “No herb nor plaster is healing them, but your word, Lord, is what heals all.” The large crest above the portal indicates that the pharmacy belonged to the council. Two women are sitting left and right of the portal’s arch. The left allegory with the dog symbolises Olfactus, the sense of smell. The right with the monkey depicts Gustus, the taste. Both together show what a good pharmacist needs to make his potions: an excellent nose and tongue. 

Auf einen Blick


Große Bäckerstraße 9

21335 Lüneburg

Öffnungszeiten: Apotheke

Montag bis Freitag

8:00 bis 19:00 Uhr


8:00 bis 15:00 Uhr



​Beliebt für...

  • besonders sehenswert

  • beeindruckendes Eingangsportal

  • Lüneburger Sole-Creme

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