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einer der schönsten Aussichtspunkte 

The elevation in front of you is called Kalkberg (lime mountain), but the term Gipsberg (gypsum mountain) would be more precise. Due to systematic gypsum mining for the production of grout, stucco and floor screed, the mountain’s circumference has shrank to about a sixteenth of its original size. In the beginning of the 20th century, the mountain became a nature conservation area and mining was discontinued.

If you have the time, take the steps up to the hilltop. Halfway, you will find an obelisk, a memorial to the garrison church, which was standing here until 1783. If you want to know more about the structure of the gypsum mountain or the local fauna and flora, we suggest a visit to the nature museum.

From the hilltop you will have a wonderful panoramic view over the city. Until 1371, a fortress was located here that gave the city its name: Hliuni castle. But you will not find any remains of the original complex. Only a single signal gun from 1829 is still standing on the hilltop, once used when a chained convict – who worked in the quarry – managed to escape.


The people of Lüneburg would love to have their castle back, guarding the city from a height of 80 metres. You can get an impression of what it was like when looking at the altar tablets in St.Nicholas church. The former “Lüneburg” was built by Hermann von Billung in 956. It was later bequeathed on the Welfen. After the older Lüneburgian line of the Welfen was extinct, the city took advantage of the confusing inheritance settlement. The warlike disputes of the heirs enabled the Lüneburgians to conquer and destroy the castle with the help of a cunning scheme on Februrary 2, 1371. Two pieces of the booty, an elaborately crafted door and the oldest preserved foldable table from 1330, are on display in town hall and at the Museum für das Fürstentum Lüneburg (Museum for the Principality of Lüneburg).

On October 21 of the same year, Duke Magnus Torquatus and his soldiers conquered the city’s fortification to control the rebellious people of Lüneburg. But these weren’t easily duped. They handed over the keys to the city. While the duke with his men got drunk on Lüneburg’s wine and beer stock, the Lüneburgians rearmed themselves and re-conquered their city at the break of dawn.

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Zugang über Schlöbckeweg

21335 Lüneburg


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  • beliebter Aussichtspunkt

  • Naturschutzgebiet und Naturdenkmal

  • interessante Geschichte

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Stadt- und Erlebnisführungen

Unsere großartigen Stadtführer:innen nehmen euch mit durch die Gassen von Lüneburg und haben dabei so einiges zu erzählen. 

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