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St. Michaeliskirche

Wirkungsstätte Johann Sebastian Bachs

After the castle including the convent and church of St. Michael was torn down, it was rebuilt here in this spot inside the city wall between 1376 and 1418.

In regard of the massive subsidiaries, the location at the foot of Kalkberg was not a wise choice. Due to the salt mining, the tower and the hall church were heavily damaged. Some of the columns on the left inside the church are inclining more than 60 centimetres to the side. The Klosterkammer Hannover has to authorize extensive restorations on a regular basis, therefore little is left of the Gothic interior.

All in all, St. Michaels boasts ten church bells. The youngest was cast in 1975, the oldest is rumoured to have beckoned Henry the Lion to attend the church service. The tower with its Baroque helmed roof is inclined more than 70 centimetres to the South-West, due to the salt mining subsidiaries. When you enter tower hall, you will discover the brass measuring point set into the floor covering.

A special work of art is the pulpit, created in 1602 by the sculptor David Schwenke. The once famous altar, the “Golden Table” was destroyed through robbery, ignorance and neglect.

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21335 Lüneburg


Januar bis Mitte März

Sonntag, 14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

Mitte März bis September

Dienstag bis Samstag,
10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

Sonntag, 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Oktober  bis Dezember

Dienstag bis Samstag,

10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

Sonntag, 14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

​Beliebt für...

  • Geschichte als ehemalige Klosterkirche

  • älteste urkundliche Erwähnung der Stadt

  • enge Verbindung zur Stadtgeschichte


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