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St. Nicolaikirche

Lüneburgs Schifferkirche des Wasserviertels

Lüneburg’s youngest Gothic church – the laying of the corner stone was in 1406 – is located in the Wasserviertel (water district) and dedicated to St. Nicholas. It was the religious centre of the skippers, fishermen and the salt barrel makers. On the outside, physical safeguarding measures became already necessary during the 19th century. The Neo-Gothic tower measures 96 meters and was installed on top of the old tower stump in 1896. The central nave of the basilica appears higher than it really is thanks to its unusual construction and captivates visitors with its arched starry roof, unique in Northern Germany.

Well worth seeing is the gothic altar, the so-called “Bibel des kleinen Mannes” (“poor man’s bible”), with its marvellous carvings.


An interesting model of the city is located in the tower hall, which depicts Lüneburg around the year 1600. The city fortification, the saline, cloisters, churches and even the town hall with the original five towers will give you an idea of the historic Lüneburg. During the reformation, all Gothic church windows were removed, this is why the windows you can find here originate from the second half of the 19th century - apart from two modern meditation windows from 1987. When you walk around the sanctuary, you will find interesting altarpieces depicting the medieval Lüneburg.

Auf einen Blick


Lüner Straße 15

21335 Lüneburg


Montag bis Freitag

11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr


10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr


nach dem Gottesdienst

​Beliebt für...

  • bedeutende Schätze gotischer Malerei und Schnitzkunst

  • Ausstellung mittelalterlicher, liturgischer Textilien


Telefon:  04131 2430770

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Stadt- und Erlebnisführungen

Unsere großartigen Stadtführer:innen nehmen euch mit durch die Gassen von Lüneburg und haben dabei so einiges zu erzählen. 

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